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İnvenura, as the largest fully integrated food testing and inspection Group in Turkey, has been dealing with the business in scope of Food Analysis, Consulting, Inspection & Audit, Plant Protection Products Licensing services since 2011 in widest range of customers from the shopping malls to restaurants, from the farmers to retailers in İzmir, Manisa.

Our activities are carried out in accordance with TS EN ISO 17025 Quality System Standards in Food Analysis laboratories in İzmir, Manisa thus we obtain accurate and precise data through Turkish Food Codex, Turkish Standardization Institute and international methods.
The fundamental source of our energy providing our leadership in various industries is our belief and approach based upon the science and conscious disciplined work. We extend and improve our expertise fields every single day thanks to our vision in business, state of the art equipment and our comprehensive service units.
Customer-oriented approach, competence and expert analysis that took shape in our hands brings us confidence for the future. We provide our solution partners with support in achieving their goals with our competitive, quick and efficient work-oriented philosophy. We meet the expectations at high level due to our unbending stance and we provide our customers with successful critical clinic analysis thanks to our superb infrastructure.

We have a National/International certified system that meets all expectations. We produce high-quality service and reliable results in our laboratories equipped with high-tech equipment.
We are accepted by globally adopted institutions including International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) so we are able to fulfil all requirements of our customers beyond their expectations.
We reach the precise, absolute and right data in terms of science using the clinical analysis system of the future by our team who are periodically get updated trainings.
While we are constantly improving our services, we always aim to be better inspiring from our customer-oriented, flexible and creative service philosophy. We are dreaming for a better world and we are building the future with confidence together with our stakeholders.
Izmir Food Analysis Laboratory / Manisa Food Analysis Laboratory

How can we help?

We listen to you to create a healthy future together.

+90 232 486 83 83